By Diane L. Bellquist, J.D. When you hear the term “impaired provider,” you may think of the doctor who practices under the influence or who has hit rock bottom to the point he or she can no longer function to hold the practice together.You may be surprised by what the impaired provider label encompasses. Case […]
In 2006, Kansas enacted legislation requiring the use of ignition interlock devices by some DUI offenders. The device is a breathalyzer installed in the ignition part of a motor vehicle. The driver must provide a breath sample for the device before the vehicle will start. Any detection of alcohol will prevent the vehicle from starting. […]
Refusing or Taking a Breath Test If you are arrested for DUI, you will be read an “implied consent advisory” and asked whether you will consent to take a blood alcohol test, usually in the form of a breath test. You should consider the following when deciding whether to refuse or take the test. Recently […]
Five to ten years after successfully completing your DUI sentence, your DUI attorney may request that all records of your arrest and conviction or diversion be expunged from your record. Expungement removes the record from the KBI criminal history database and from court files. This means that employers and the public will not be able […]
Fighting to Keep Your Driver’s License A driver who has been arrested for DUI is often as concerned about losing his driver’s license as he is about criminal DUI charges. We understand. For most of us, living without a car is not realistic. The DUI Defense Team attorneys will fight to help you keep your […]
The National Transportation Safety Administration is recommending the reduction of the presumptive alcohol breath sample from .08 to .05. The reduction to .05 will create a new wave of DUI arrests because even the average social drinker will be presumed to be driving under the influence if he/she has as little as one alcoholic drink […]