FEATURE ARTICLE: ABA Opinion 509: Conflict Rules for Government Lawyers Author: Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich This article is featured in Volume 5, Number 3 of the Legal Ethics and Malpractice Reporter. The ABA Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility Issued Formal Opinion 509 this past month. The Opinion details the responsibilities of government lawyers when representing “private clients” […]
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global celebration of the countless social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In 2024, the campaign theme Inspire Inclusion emphasizes the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of society and underscores the crucial role of inclusion in achieving gender equality. It calls for action to break […]
EDITED BY: Professor Mike Hoeflich PUBLISHED BY: Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC February 29, 2024 READ & DOWNLOAD FULL-TEXT PDF OF LEMR Vol. 5, No. 2 FEATURE ARTICLE: Variations on a Theme: Ethics in Multijurisdictional Licensing and Practice Twenty years ago, admission to practice law in multiple states generally required either taking multiple bar examinations or […]
FEATURE ARTICLE: Variations on a Theme: Ethics in Multijurisdictional Licensing and Practice Author: Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich This article is featured in Volume 5, Number 2 of the Legal Ethics and Malpractice Reporter. Twenty years ago, admission to practice law in multiple states generally required either taking multiple bar examinations or meeting state reciprocity rules, which often required […]
NEW AUTHORITY: To CC, or Not to CC? Attorney Email Ethics Author: Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich This article is featured in Volume 5, Number 2 of the Legal Ethics and Malpractice Reporter. Given the preoccupation of the legal profession with cutting-edge technologies, like artificial intelligence, it is refreshing to see a state continuing to concern itself with ethical […]
FEATURE ARTICLE: Practicing Civility in an Uncivil World: Part I Author: Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich This article is featured in Volume 5, Number 1 of the Legal Ethics and Malpractice Reporter. In the past several years, we have seen a number of major cultural shifts in the United States. In the past decade, what has become acceptable public […]