Webinar Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Webinar Time: 12:00–1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Please join your Kansas and Missouri Bar colleagues for a complimentary CLE webinar: Cyber Security & Risk Management for Lawyers
Sponsored by Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC
Approved for 1.0 hour of ethics CLE credit in Kansas & Missouri
REGISTER (closed)
Program Description
Join KU Law Professors Mike Hoeflich and Paul Cope for a free ethics CLE as they discuss the rising cybersecurity threats facing lawyers and law firms today. Such risks threaten attorneys’ ethical obligation to protect the confidentiality of their clients and others with whom they exchange sensitive information. The presentation will highlight current and impending cyber threats, the risks they pose, and how firms can protect themselves and their clients from them. They will discuss these concerns from the standpoint of the Kansas and Missouri Rules of Professional Responsibility and recent ABA guidance.
Webinar Instructions (Registration, Participation, CLE Credit)
Notice to first-time participants and any who have previously encountered technical or credit-related issues: This webinar will be hosted via Zoom. To ensure a smooth experience and CLE credit eligibility, please review our Webinar Participation Guide and follow the instructions closely. Failure to do so may prevent you from joining and/or receiving participation credit for this webinar.
About the Presenters
Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich | Distinguished Professor of Law, The University of Kansas School of Law
Michael Hoeflich holds degrees from Haverford College, Cambridge University, and Yale Law School. He taught at the University of Illinois from 1980–1988, was dean of the Syracuse University College of Law from 1988-1994, and was dean at the University of Kansas School of Law from 1994–2000. Hoeflich is the author or editor of more than 15 books and 115 articles. He previously served as the director of the M.S. in Homeland Security: Law & Policy degree program at KU Law. He is the principal investigator on a five-year, $1.5 million Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence grant to the University of Kansas. In 2021, Hoeflich was the recipient of a Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Award, the state higher education system’s most prestigious recognition for scholarly excellence. Hoeflich received the Balfour Jeffrey Award in Humanities & Social Sciences for his significant research contributions to legal history and ethics.
Paul W. Cope, JD | Director, Master of Science in Homeland Security: Law and Policy Program, The University of Kansas School of Law
Paul Cope joined the University of Kansas Law School as the Director of the Master of Science in Homeland Security: Law and Policy Program in 2021. Previously, Cope served as the Chief of Cyber Law and Policy for the Kansas National Guard. As the lead cyber law advisor he provided legal guidance to leaders, developing national security policy and procedures to include cyber and intelligence incident responses. Cope’s former service with the Kansas National Guard includes an appointment as the as the Legal Advisor (Chief Counsel) to the Adjutant General of Kansas. Cope continues to serve as a Judge Advocate in the Kansas Army National Guard, where he holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
JHC offers free CLE programs tailored to members of the Kansas and Missouri Bars at least quarterly. Visit our Ethics page for more information and to subscribe to our email news list, which receives CLE invitations and our monthly ethics newsletter.