Showing estimated percent of alcohol in the blood by number of drinks in relation to body weight. This percent can be estimated by:
- Count your drinks (1 drink equals 1 ounce of 100-proof liquor, one five ounce glass of table wine or one 12-ounce bottle of regular beer).
- Use the chart below and under number of “drinks” and opposite “body weight” find the percent of blood alcohol listed.
- Subtract from this number the percent of alcohol “burned up” during the time elapsed since your first drink. This figure is .015% per hour. (Example: 180 lb. man consumes 8 drinks in 4 hours. BAC = .167% minus (.015 times 4, or .06) = .107%)
DRINKS CONSUMED | ||||||||||||
Body weight | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
100 lb. | .038 | .075 | .113 | .150 | .188 | .225 | .263 | .300 | .338 | .375 | .413 | .450 |
110 lb. | .034 | .066 | .103 | .137 | .172 | .207 | .241 | .275 | .309 | .344 | .379 | .412 |
120 lb. | .031 | .063 | .094 | .125 | .156 | .188 | .219 | .250 | .281 | .313 | .344 | .375 |
130 lb. | .029 | .058 | .087 | .116 | .145 | .174 | .203 | .232 | .261 | .290 | .320 | .348 |
140 lb. | .027 | .054 | .080 | .107 | .134 | .161 | .188 | .214 | .241 | .268 | .295 | .321 |
150 lb. | .025 | .050 | .075 | .100 | .125 | .151 | .176 | .201 | .226 | .251 | .276 | .301 |
160 lb. | .023 | .047 | .070 | .094 | .117 | .141 | .164 | .188 | .211 | .234 | .258 | .281 |
170 lb. | .022 | .045 | .066 | .088 | .110 | .132 | .155 | .178 | .200 | .221 | .244 | .265 |
180 lb. | .021 | .042 | .063 | .083 | .104 | .125 | .146 | .167 | .188 | .208 | .229 | .250 |
190 lb. | .020 | .040 | .059 | .079 | .099 | .119 | .138 | .158 | .179 | .198 | .217 | .237 |
200 lb. | .019 | .038 | .056 | .075 | .094 | .113 | .131 | .150 | .169 | .188 | .206 | .225 |
210 lb. | .018 | .036 | .053 | .071 | .090 | .107 | .125 | .143 | .161 | .179 | .197 | .215 |
220 lb. | .017 | .034 | .051 | .068 | .085 | .102 | .119 | .136 | .153 | .170 | .188 | .205 |
230 lb. | .016 | .032 | .049 | .065 | .081 | .098 | .115 | .130 | .147 | .163 | .180 | .196 |
240 lb. | .016 | .031 | .047 | .063 | .078 | .094 | .109 | .125 | .141 | .156 | .172 | .188 |
THESE ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. A large number of other variables impact blood alcohol levels. You cannot rely on these estimates to accurately predict your blood alcohol levels.